Month: March 2015

Calc Manager New Functions

EPM has been out for a few weeks now and I have been heads-down diverting my “free time” to a different creative outlet besides blogging. Most EPM bloggers have already given details on the new features of their favorite applications, so I won’t belabor the point. I haven’t yet seen anyone report on the new functions in Calculation Manager, as these are not documented in the readme for Calc Manager or anywhere else, unfortunately.

As I researched the functions, it was clear that the EPM community is always looking for some type of documentation around these functions, so I wanted to make the latest information available for anyone out there on the cutting edge. All of the functions in Calc Manager are still available in, so these are only the brand new functions. Also, the errors on the CDF definitions persist in, so the blog entry I did here is still relevant.  If you are going to use those functions, just edit the essfunc.xml file and you’re good to go.

New Functions in Calc Manager

@CalcMgrGetFormattedDate (date, format) – Accepts a date and its format and will reformat it into YYYYMMDD format.

  • @CalcMgrGetFormattedDate (12302014, “mmddyyyy”) = 20141230
  • @CalcMgrGetFormattedDate (30122014, “ddmmyyyy”) = 20141230


@CalcMgrGetStringFormattedDate (dateString, format) – Accepts a string of numbers and its format and will reformat the string into YYYYMMDD format.

  • @CalcMgrGetFormattedDate (“12302014”, “mmddyyyy”) = 20141230


@CalcMgrGetDatePart (date, date_part_ex) – Returns the Year/Month/Week/DayofMonth/WeekofYear/WeekOfMonth/DayOfYear as a number from date which is in the YYYYMMDD format.

  • Options for the date_part_ex parameter are: Year, Month, Week, DayofMonth, WeekOfYear, WeekOfMonth, or DayOfYear.  These are Strings passed and the capitalization does not matter.
  • @CalcMgrGetDatePart (20141230, DayOfYEAR) = 364
  • @CalcMgrGetDatePart (20141230, yEAR) = 2014


@CalcMgrGetDayOfYear (date) – Returns the day of year (1-366) from date which is in the YYYYMMDD format.

  • Calls the same code as @CalcMgrGetDatePart (YYYYMMDD, DayOfYear).
  • @CalcMgrGetDayOfYear (20141230) = 364


@CalcMgrAddDatePart (date,date_part,amountToAdd) – Add specified number of years/months/days/weeks to the date which is in the YYYYMMDD format.

  • Options for the date_part parameter are: Year, Month, Day, or Week.
  • The amountToAdd may be positive or negative.
  • @CalcMgrAddDatePart (20141230,week,1) = 20150106


@CalcMgrRollDate (date,date_part,up) – Adds or subtracts (up or down) a single unit of time on the given date field without changing larger fields.

  • Options for the date_part parameter are: Year, Month, Day, or Week
  • The up parameter is a boolean (true or false) Java parameter.  Use @_true to add, and @_false to subtract.
  • @CalcMgrRollDate(19960131,”month”,@_true) = 19960229
  • @CalcMgrRollDate(19960131,”day”,@_true) = 19960101
    • Note that the DAY field was rolled over to 1, but the MONTH field remained at 01.
    • Use @CalcMgrAddDatePart to automatically increment months when rolling over days


@CalcMgrDateDiff (fromDate,toDate,datePart) – Returns the difference (number) between two input dates, in YYYYMMDD format, in terms of the specified date-parts, following a standard Gregorian calendar.

  • Options for the date_part parameter are: Year, Month, Day, or Week
  • Returns integers (no remainders or decimals) for the difference.


@CalcMgrYearsBetween (fromDate,toDate) – Returns the years between two dates which are in the YYYYMMDD format.

  • Calls the same code as @CalcMgrDateDiff (YYYYMMDD, YYYYMMDD, Year).
  • Returns integers (no remainders or decimals) for the difference.


@CalcMgrMonthsBetween (fromDate,toDate) – Returns the months between two dates which are in the YYYYMMDD format.

  • Calls the same code as @CalcMgrDateDiff (YYYYMMDD, YYYYMMDD, Month).
  • Returns integers (no remainders or decimals) for the difference.